Sunday, May 10, 2009

The end of our first week!

Juliette taking her try at the Cinderella pinata

Today can be summarized in two words - long and rewarding. We started out the day by all piling into the van and the safari (the team and the girls) to go to church. The girls were even more precious looking all dolled up in their church clothing. l had been looking forward to church in Nicaragua for quite awhile and I enjoyed the service despite the intense heat that left most of us uncomfortably sticky and wet. After church we resumed research with the younger girls. I was blessed to be paired with Maria Celeste one of the girls which I had previously not been able to connect with yet. Afterwards we played ball until it was time to watch a movie (this gave the house moms a break). Tonight we all had dinner together family style and then celebrated Jenna and Kaitlin's birthday by breaking open two giant pinatas. When they brought out the cake Jenna and Kailtin were told they had to take the first bite which resulted in their faces being pushed in the cake and soon after led to a very extended frosting fight between the girls and us. It was the perfect way to end the week with lots of laughter and hugs. It seems like the girls have grown very comfortable with us and we have reached a point as a team where we have become very invested in them.


Xochilt blessing us with her beautiful smile

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